Creating scenes and stories


Using the create tool

By far the easiest way to create a vrEmbed scene or story is to use the create tool. However, if you wish to tweak the result by hand or create it from scratch, examples are provided below.

Creating scenes

   <photo src="" isStereo="false" sphereParams="100,66,60,0"/>
   <photo src="" isStereo="false" sphereParams="100,66,-60,-20"/>
 </story><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
   <photo src="" isStereo="false" sphereParams="100,66,-20,0"/>
   <text sphereParams="45,30,25,10"/>BRING YOUR OWN BIG WHEEL: every year on Easter Sunday San Francisco locals turn out in droves at the actual, most crooked street in the city for the annual BYOBW races. On a variety of pre-made, home-made and soon-to-be-unmade contraptions they race down in costume. There's no winner but no losers either; you won't find a single face that isn't smiling and having an incredibly good time.</text>
 </story><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
   <photo src="../src/assets/byobw_2014_a.jpg" isStereo="false" sphereParams="100,66,0,0" plane="true"/>
   <decal sphereParams="60,60,0,0" plane="true" planeOffset="-50,33" src="../src/assets/vrEmbedLogo.png"/></decal>
 </story><script async src="../vrEmbed.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Multiple scenes

  <scene name="Corner Crashes">
   <photo src="" isStereo="false" sphereParams="100,66,60,-10"/>
   <photo src="" isStereo="false" sphereParams="100,66,-60,0"/>
   <text sphereParams="35,30,30,-30" jumpTo="Finish line">Finish line</text>
  <scene name="Finish line">
   <photo src="" isStereo="false" sphereParams="100,66,60,0"/>
   <photo src="" isStereo="false" sphereParams="100,66,-60,-20"/>
   <text sphereParams="40,30,-20,-20" jumpTo="Corner crashes">Corner crashes</text>
 </story><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
vrEmbed is (c) Bhautik Joshi 2015-16 and available under the Apache 2.0 Open Source license.